Sunday, July 27, 2014


unconsious..inner-awareness..extrenal awarness material recognition..aetherial rcognition..each has their own joys amusements..limitations moral obligation and realms supra concious..[collective awareness]..HAS LONG SOUGHT THE INDIVIDUATION..OF SPIRIT..into sequential acts and re acts/just as the gifts of co creation..come inherant with our own creation. its intention that we learn fore giving not eternalising past errors "To work on yourself for the good of others is a smart way to receive the best from life for yourself." - Gurdjieff "Discerning the predator's mind in ourselves and others The basic idea of the script is to educate the discarnate spirits who do not know they are dead or do not know how to go to the light. not rehect or fear it. the light cannot lie/listen;emote..with the light see de light. According to The Unquiet Dead ?* the 9 general points to de make are: 1. You are not (the possessed's name) the living are unlimited.. if your not the..rightfully wi be dispossed. 2. Your body is dead/your vessel is life they and you are one..;[most of our dna..isnt..;..our;..dna..but the dna of the icro/beasts/flora/fauna/fungi;familiour. 3...You..are all conjoined;/ask the cause of gut worry;but that gut feeling..;we know the powrs of moulds fungies..we are one infnite yet individualised seed biotio..con-joined..together as in you/me..(possessed's our conjoined ;works.]) 4. see wether..You are harming;..yourself decaling war on the others of you..and (possessed's name) 5. Your loved ones..[and thus theirs]..are here riht where you are;its our mindeset tha manifess the shifts of awarenss..of the other/but here is here wether your there then/or here now. 6. You will be the astral an..imperfect soul-body..of our injurous judgmENTS..OF OTHER..into our eternal perfect body (made of the light)..BY WHCH WE RALISED THE GOD ..of eternal GIFT..IN EVERY GOoD. 7. There is no such thing as hell those WHO JUDGE OTHERS CREATE our own hells..[lets face it..;swine love getting down and dirty hence god gave them the bodies of swine BUT WE AS WE MOVE FROM BEAST TO HUMAN;..INTO HUMANE..from seeking self living;being the happyness 8. You will have a wonderful, peaceful life (in the de*light.) 9. Go in peace with my bless songs