Thursday, January 6, 2011

un-wholy holy..all land belongs to god


The Knesset has resolved to create a parliamentary committee of inquiry to look into the activities of left-wing groups “and their contribution to the delegitimization campaign against Israel.”

Such a panel would make even Senator Joseph McCarthy blush.

Webmaster's Commentary:
Israel is delegitimized by their actions, but by words. Israel's government holds the world record for most United Nations resolutions defied. That delegitimizes Israel. Israel has never drawn their borders.

That delegitimizes Israel.

After 60 years, Israel still has not created a constitution. That delegitimizes Israel. Israel has stolen vast amounts of lands belonging to Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, etc. etc, etc. That delegitimizes Israel.

Israel continually provokes wars. That delegitimizes Israel.

Israel attacked and killed Americans on the USS Liberty,
then blamed the attack on Egypt to trick the US into war on Israel's enemies.

When the plan failed they claimed the whole thing was a "misunderstanding."
That delegitimizes Israel.

Israel attacked a humanitarian aid mission in international waters, murdering aid works and hijacking ships, then tried to excuse their behavior with faked video and audio recordings. That delegitimizes Israel.

Israel bribes/blacmales the media to report the news to favor Israel.
That delegitimizes Israel.

Israel continues to bleed other nations for vast sums of money.
over 1.2 trillion from usa alone..earmarks are great..
That delegitimizes Israel.

Israel broke a six-month cease fire with Gaza 11/4/2008, then followed it up with an attack on the civilians of Gaza using illegal weapons, which resulted in a United nations report for war crimes. Israel, usually the first to whine to the United Nations when aggrieved, ignored the report and attacked its author.

That delegitimizes Israel.

Israel has been caught assassinating people around the world, including most recently Dubai, Egypt, and Iraq. That delegitimizes Israel.

The Lavon affair. That delegitimizes Israel.

9-11. That delegitimizes Israel.
And on and on and on and on.

Israel has delegitimized itself
by refusing to act like a modern civilized nation.

Over the last 60 years Israel has become used to simply doing as it pleases and screaming "holocaust" and "Anti-Semite" at everyone to evade the consequences, while looting the wealth of every other nation that has allowed them access to their financial systems.

Old habits die hard, and I rather doubt
Israel can change..enough to be seen as legitimate any time soon.

but hey some things
you just have to leave..for god..

in the meantime..well...come to the forth reiche
the last appartheid state..mate

were building our own walls
come to the encirclement..stake your claim

ps bring water

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