Saturday, March 8, 2014
THE way of the Gentiles comforter
The en*trance of thy words giveth light..ITS FRUITS,,/*LIFE\*..;
LIFE* giveth understanding unto the simple..LIVING..who in life live out their delight.***
And that this NOTE IS TO DE-NOTE..the condemnation, that light [de'light] come..AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT..into the world,..but they knEW IT NOT..and men loved MATTERS OF darkness rather than light, because their deeds were veil.
Bible (NewTestament) =========
St John 3:19.----
He was as a burning bush..not consumed but manyfold of lifes little benevolent insolent.and as a shining REVEALED BY THE light; were willing for a season to rejoice in This delight..TAKING THE REFLECTION..OVER THE PERFection..THE CREATION BEFORE ITS CREATOR..its a funny DUELISM..OF^
Pluralism that is,..
the conception that there are many..\different ends ..that men may seek and still be fully rational, fully men, capable of understanding each other and sympathising and deriving light from each other...karmic darkness
====== Sir Isaiah Berlin
-----The Crooked Timber of Humanity,..../'The Pursuit of the Ideal'\...
They give birth..astride of a grave,
the light gleams instant, then it's night once more.
==========Samuel Beckett -------Waiting for Godot, ../act 2\...
If still BEING REVILED DEFILED..ridiculed denied..from our sight,/*\..What is't isnt../but that REVEALED\..but CONCEALED the dark fears..of the eternal night?
============="Arrow and the Song, The" -------------------by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
............/For,\.. so swiftly it flew, the sight
NONE Could not follow its FEARLESS flight.
From "To============= Lucasta Ode Lyrick" by Richard Lovelace:
----------From "Dew" by Sara Teasdale:
../BE\..Set every SEEING OF THYNE common sight
Of tree AND SEED..SAND or stone..FLESH OR BONE
Delicately alight
For THEE alone.
=====From "Fatima" by Alfred,---------- Lord Tennyson:
Shudderest thee..when I strain my sight,
Throbbing thro' all thy heat and light,
To me did seem
Apparelled in celestial light,
===From "Sparrow's Nest, ---The" by William Wordsworth:
On me ..........the chance-discovered sight
Gleamed like a vision of delight.
From "Niobe In Distress For Her Children Slain By Apollo,
===--From Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book VI.-- And From A View Of The Painting Of Mr. Richard Wilson" by Phillis Wheatly:
As when Aurora fills.the ravish'd sight,
And decks the orient realms..with rosy light..THE mUSHROOM CLOUD..THE MONEY CHANGERS FLIGHT..THE POLE SHifts to cofound the escapen..they sought..under groUND
But there seems a concentration of the sky;
And, like the soul, it sails into the sight
And in the morning's gone, no man knows why;
And is so lovely that it sets it all..back to right
From "The Man ../And The Echo"\.. by William Butler Yeats:
Out of intellect and sight
And sinks at last into the ?"Do not go}..BUT gentle into that good night" --by Unknown Author:==
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
From "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Unknown Author:
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Thou, thou art here, to human sight
Clothed all with incorrupted light;
--But yet how more admir'dly bright
Wilt thou appear, when thou art set
From "THE LILY IN A CRYSTAL" by Robert Herrick:
More gently strokes the sight,
With some conceal'd delight,
"Why dost thou Shade thy Lovely Face?" by Francis Quarles:
My light thou art; without thy glorious sight
Mine eyes are darken'd with perpetual night.
My God, thou art my way, my life, my light.
Thou art my way; I wander if thou fly:
Without touch one cannot
Carry the weight of love
Touch brings us out of the
Crevices and darkness
Of streets and hideouts
When we are touched
We see a new version of ourselves
At the discretion of our maker
Touch makes us artists Rage Against The Dying of The Light
The future is not what it used to be
Everything echoes of you
Nothing is new
It takes something to love someone
It takes something more to lose someone
A part of you is lost
The part I gave to you
That set you apart
I feel your echo
I will grant sleep its acquiesce
If I must
But no dreams
I trust
For I dream of her
And wake to no one
With infinite care
To perfection
There is a symmetry when they
Intertwine like some human puzzle
That releases their souls
As she sleeps on his chest
He is content to lie awake
Listening to how her heart works
He lay there for hours
Listening to her dream
And she is still a mystery to him
It is these moments that make you want to believe that evolution is more that survival, that evolution is the progress of love.
He wanted to believe that all the disappointments and false dawns of his life were necessary to deliver him to such a place of such stunning symmetry and harmony that it made it feel as though his soul was being pulled right out of his chest. For the first time in his life he wanted to be where he was, in no time she had become the fabric of his nature.
A voice tells me
This is not enough
Go further
Go further
There is more to find
Than this
There are pieces of me everywhere
In the past, in the future
I am incomplete
The body cries out for something
More than the now
Something more than what yesterday
Gave me
Something more than what tomorrow
Promises me
I must go further
If someone told me what I was
Looking for
I would soon be lost
I can feel something greater
Beyond the doubts of our age
I lie awake at night, thinking
This is it
If someone told me who I really am,
I would not believe them
The voice tells me,
Go further, go further
It tells me the
Meaning of life, gives meaning to life
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